KMC-Toyota 2014-03
Kokanee Lake only freezes like this every once in a blue moon.

Thank the great weather spirits there’s been a change in the, um, weather. It was beginning to feel like a month long repeat of Groundhog Day through most of January, with each dawn getting progressively colder to boot. Ski lifts could hardly spin, frostbite nipped our feet just walking the street, this while the sun shone blue and bright, it’s heat unable to make its way to the down jacket and scarf-wrapped people of the interior BC. But a little bite of freezing won’t stop us hearty folk. When it’s cold as hell, lakes that rarely freeze turn into giant skating rinks, and you know what, we go skiing anyways…even with the kids! It makes the poutine and hot chocolate tastes that much sweeter. To honour those who can’t stay inside, here are some photos from two sons and dads trying to make it happen outside in The Great Deep Freeze of 2014.

In the summer time, this is a gorgeous beach. Last week it was hockey central.
In the summer time, this is a gorgeous beach. Last week it was hockey central.
Hockey Day in freezing Canada. Kokanee Lake, Nelson BC
Hockey Day in freezing Canada. Kokanee Lake, Nelson BC
KMC-Toyota 2014-010
The beauty drive up to Whitewater, firing the heater full blast with the sun out!
There's no such thing as bad weather, right? Just bad neck warmers.
There’s no such thing as bad weather, right? Just bad neck warmers.
And then, when you can’t take the cold, do what any smart Canadian kid would do, go inside a building filled with ice that’s cold, but not that cold.

Photos by Peter Moynes. Words by Mitchell Scott. Winter shredding by Mason Scott and Dylan Moynes. Truck by Toyota.