In an ode to the ancient tradition of oral storytelling, KMC Editor-in-Chief Mitchell Scott spins some yarns in a 100-year-old church, deep in the hinterland.

“Stories make the world go round,” as the old saying goes. And while we love to watch and read them—most often in 30 second slices it seems—these days we don’t tell them much. On a cold and dark November night this past fall, in the lovingly restored St Francis in the Woods church in Queen’s Bay, BC, KMC co-publisher Mitchell Scott stepped in front of 70 or so people, from 8 to 80 years of age, and told some stories. It’s brave new territory for the long-time writer, editor and filmmaker, the first time he’s presented tales from a collection he’s been working on called, “Stories From My Mother.”

“I’m not sure how or why these stories are coming to me,” says Scott. “Perhaps as I get older I’m slowing down to see the little things. But, it’s very unlike anything I’ve done before. They’re all nature stories, where plants, animals, mountains, and glaciers come alive. They feel like children’s stories, but I think they resonate with people of all ages.”

As Scott describes, each story features plants, animals, people—even landforms—that have sentience, character, and perspective. They’re light and fun, with adventure, laughter, sharing, and unique interactions around every corner, like an ant having a deep conversation with a Sasquatch. “At their heart, I feel stories like these give Mother Nature a voice so we might see better through her eyes. After all, she writes the best stories. She always has.”

There is a chicken who saves a slave girl by teaching her the language of plants and animals. We go on a wild adventure with a young, curious ant who discovers how truly special they really are, even though they are “just an ant.” Thanks to a group of ancient cedar sisters, an arrogant young tree finally learns what it means to become a man. A tiny spider climbs a huge mountain helped by the unlikeliest of friends along the way. And a group of disgruntled birds finally learn to accept the stealing, mocking ways of the big bad eagle.

Keep an ear out for more uploads to Scott’s new YouTube channel and an eye out for some upcoming storytelling events at a small, intimate venue near you.