Yo, poets, romance writers and haiku-hawkers, tired of languishing in the unappreciated annals of literature’s darkest valley? Well, loosen your scarf and put down the hard liquor because Kootenay Mountain Culture Magazine is bringing you into the limelight. We’re excited to announce our 2015 Short-Fiction and Poetry Contest. Brought to you in proud partnership with the Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival.
For our 2016 summer Fiction Issue, we’re looking for creative writing from our mountain community that is outrageous, insightful, evocative, subtle or otherwise otherworldly. Your writing can be either poetry or short fiction, so long as it’s something you mostly made up.
The top three works will be published in the feature section of next summer’s Kootenay Mountain Culture Magazine. Entries cannot exceed 1,200 words and can be on any topic you think will interest our readership. Not sure what that means? Pick up a magazine at any of the fine distribution centres listed HERE to study and find out.
The top winner in our contest will receive four tickets to the 2016 Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival and one room for one night. The event is an amazing opportunity to network amongst peers and take in great works. Second- and third-place winners will also be published in our summer 2016 issue and receive awesome prizes, which will be announced shortly (it’s a secret).
Deadline for entries is December 15, 2015. Winners will be announced on our website January 12, 2016. Please send your entries to submissions@kmcmag.com (please CC mattcotay@gmail.com as we’ve been having e-mail server issues) with the subject: FICTION CONTEST all in caps. Please include with your submission your full name, mailing address, email address and phone number. Each page of your submission should have your name at the top.
We look forward to being transported through the wilds of your imaginations!
—The KMC Team
KMC is a proud sponsor of the Banff Mountain and Wilderness Writing Program at The Banff Centre—a great place to hone your chops. Check it out HERE.

Matt Coté
Matt is the associate editor of Forecast Ski Magazine and a senior writer at BIKE magazine. He’s been penning and editing adventure and mountain culture-based stories for over a dozen publications for just over a decade.
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