Dano Slater: Skier, freeride coach, legend. 1974-2022. We’ll miss you. Words by Mitchell Scott.
I’m envious of you. In the most honest and beautiful of ways. You inspired joy and camaraderie and freedom in the exquisite among us. You lived it with them, saw it through their eyes. A billion moments of brilliance. You inspired so many, from red-cheeked 10-year-olds to bold young adults, some of whom are among the world’s best.
I’m grateful for you. In the purest and most thankful of ways. For creating this family of girls and boys and mothers and fathers and friends and fans. A village rooted in community and love, support and encouragement. You believed. You always believed.
I’m proud of you. In the most heartfelt and genuine of ways. I remember when, not so long ago, you were a young dirtbag skier pursuing your passion with an undying verve. Ahead of your time, chasing an elusive dream. Then you found this new purpose, helping kids find that freedom you knew so intimately. You armed it with action and the noblest of intentions, inspiring them to face their fears, test themselves. Not alone, but together, as one. As a team. Just look at what it has become. Know this tribe, this movement, will last as long as pure snows fall from a crisp Kootenay sky.
I will think of you deeply, in the most sincere and loving of ways. You shared your secret stash with me. On the chairlift, you spoke of your vision before it was a reality. And I watched you turn that dream into the dreams of our children. You made them better. You made us all better with adventure, growth, learning, and accomplishment. You gave us stories that will dance in our hearts forever.
We will shred in your great honour. In the most passionate and joyful of ways. We will do it together. And you will always be there. Backflips on the shoulders of kids who have become giants. Now we say goodbye. Shred in the spirit world, my good friend. From this life into the infinite lives that follow, we ride with you.

Mitchell Scott
Mitchell Scott is the Editor-in-Chief and co-publisher of Kootenay Mountain Culture Magazine.
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