KMC 37 – The Obsession Issue

July 13, 2020

In some form or fashion, we all have our own obsessions. The question is, are they good or bad? Obsessions can make us feel conflicted. Are they healthy? Do they waste my time or make me productive? Do they mean I have a remarkable ability to focus? Am I crazy or embracing my true self?

This issue of Kootenay Mountain Culture Magazine offers an amalgam of vignettes that explore how some obsessions* manifest themselves. Are they good or bad? We believe this issue is all goodness, but we’ll let you be the judge.

*We came up with the obsession theme long before the pandemic. Not to say we are visionaries, but we do have crystals in our office and a few of our editors meditate regularly.

Read articles and editorial from this issue

How to Get Skinny on Consuming Kootenay Energy

The Headwaters Returns for Season 3

What’s Next Ms. Gillis?

Hungry for a Fix?