A Summary of Energy Expo Panels – July 20th, 2024, Kaslo, BC


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We opened the event by acknowledging the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory and expressing gratitude to the firefighters battling wildfires. He highlighted the festival’s goal of fostering a movement towards a more resilient and regenerative future. The festival aimed to explore food security, local energy, housing innovation, and shared mobility, with a focus on significantly reducing the cost of living and ensuring climate resilience for everyone in the bioregion and beyond.

Panel 1: Moderator – Rik Logtenberg

Rik, a Nelson City Councilor and Chair of the Community Energy Association, introduced the first panel. He emphasized the importance of community involvement in achieving energy resilience and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The panel focused on discussing the balance of hydro and solar energy solutions and the role of communities in transitioning to low-carbon, resilient energy systems.

Speaker: Rick Tiefenbach (Infinity Solar Group)

Rick discussed the potential for solar energy in the Kootenay region, highlighting the increasing adoption of grid-tied solar installations. He mentioned the need for additional energy generation methods, especially given the decreasing precipitation and increasing droughts. Rick emphasized the importance of community solar projects to help residents who cannot install solar panels on their properties due to shading or unsuitable roof conditions.

Speaker: Scott Spencer (Nelson Hydro)

Scott provided insights into Nelson Hydro’s efforts to enhance energy resilience. He talked about Nelson Hydro’s unique position as one of the few municipal utilities in British Columbia with its own generating plant. Spencer emphasized the importance of energy conservation, net metering programs, and community solar gardens. He highlighted the need for spreading out energy demand to avoid building additional capacity and reduce peak load stresses.

Speaker: Jim Jacobson (Energy Economics)

Jim shared his expertise in designing and building solar systems, with a focus on microgrids. He discussed the benefits of solar energy combined with battery storage to create resilient energy systems. Jacobson highlighted the importance of understanding household energy consumption and the value of energy efficiency measures. He also stressed the need for community involvement in energy projects to enhance resilience and reduce environmental impact.

Speaker: Bruce Wilson (Thor Hydrogen)

Bruce, with a background in the oil and gas industry, discussed his transition to focusing on climate change and renewable energy. He emphasized the potential of green hydrogen and energy storage as key components of resilient energy systems. Wilson advocated for community resilience through localized energy generation and economic development. He stressed the importance of creating community-owned commercial developments that integrate energy generation, efficiency, and district heating.

Panel 2: Moderator – Nicole Charwood

Nicole, a BC Greens candidate, moderated the second panel. She introduced speakers discussing various innovative energy solutions and their potential applications in the Kootenay region.

Speaker: Don Scarlet (Micro Hydro Advocate)

Don shared his extensive experience with micro-hydro projects in the Kootenay region. He emphasized the benefits of micro-hydro, including its 24/7 power generation capability and minimal environmental footprint. Scarlet discussed the potential for local municipalities and regional districts to generate and manage their own electricity, advocating for more support and fair pricing for small-scale hydro projects.

Speaker: Hal Wright (Sandon Micro Hydro)

Hal, representing Sandon Micro Hydro, highlighted the importance of decentralized power generation. He shared insights from Sandon’s 127-year-old hydroelectric generating station, emphasizing the reliability and sustainability of local hydro projects. Wright stressed the need for political change to support decentralized energy solutions and warned against the risks of centralized monopolies on energy systems.

Speaker: Jaeden Woodland (Turbulent Hydro Enthusiast)

Jaeden introduced the concept of low-head, slow-moving hydro turbines like those developed by Turbulent. He discussed the potential for these turbines to generate power from small creeks and rivers, advocating for decentralized, non-invasive hydro solutions. Woodland emphasized the need for a diverse mix of renewable energy sources, including both solar and hydro, to maximize local energy resilience.

Speaker: Mikhail Ivanchikov (Dandelion Renewables)

Mikhail shared his background in nuclear safety and financial risk analysis, transitioning to renewable energy with Dandelion Renewables. He discussed the company’s focus on energy efficiency, solar installations, and energy storage solutions. Mel highlighted successful projects with municipalities achieving net-zero energy consumption and emphasized the importance of empowering communities to generate their own energy. He also shared his personal project of building an off-grid house to test and demonstrate various energy conservation and storage techniques.

Key Takeaways

The Kootenay Resilience Festival Energy Expo brought together experts to discuss diverse and innovative solutions for achieving energy resilience in the region. The speakers emphasized the importance of community involvement, education, and political support in transitioning to renewable energy. They highlighted the benefits of decentralized power generation, energy efficiency, and a mix of renewable energy sources, including solar and micro-hydro, to create resilient and sustainable communities.


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