Fjällräven has teamed with with the Alpine Club of Canada Vancouver to present the Crown Mountain Tour hiking event.
Fjällräven has teamed up with the Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) to bring you the Crown Mountain Tour, a one-day hike that makes the most of the surrounding landscape overlooking Vancouver, British Columbia. Participants will learn about trail navigation, day-hike packing essentials, “Leave No Trace” principles and practices, and mountain safety.

The Crown Mountain Tour is 7-8 hour hike round-trip with an elevation gain of 385 meters. Hikers will start from Grouse Mountain and work up the mountain passing Thunder Bird Ridge, Goat Mountain and finally arriving at Crown Mountain to soak up the views. Route descriptions can be found on the Vancouver Trails website.
The Hike
The Crown Mountain Tour is 9.8-kilometres long with an altitude gain of approximately 385 metres. The trail is well maintained and well marked, however there will be sections of loose rock, some scrambling and using chains and holds to ascend. All participants must be confident in their abilities to handle this type of terrain. Participants are strongly encouraged to have recently done a hike of 5-8 hours and consider themselves an intermediate level hiker. This hike demands a high level of fitness, endurance, and a strong mindset. Something to note: participants will not be “guided” – all hikers will make decisions together and share their knowledge with the group. Hike duration will be around 6-8 hours.
The Details
In correlation with the hiking event Fjällräven will also be hosting an information night in the Vancouver store on Thursday August 15, which is mandatory if you are attending the hike. This will be an info session to introduce participants and staff, as well as go over the trip route, timeline, and food as well as mountain safety and and “Leave No Trace” principles. You must be available to attend the info session in order to participate in the hike. There will also be some guest speakers from the ACC and Restore Human. And once all the talking is done and dusted there will be a free entry raffle with some prizes to be won along with food and refreshments throughout the evening.
Saturday August 24th (Hike Day):
- 7:30am – 8:00am: Meeting at Fjällräven for fresh roasted coffee supplied by @Modus (147 West Boradway)
- 8:00am – 8:30am: Transportation will arrive and take us to Grouse Mountain
- 8:30 – 9:00am: We take the gondola to the top of Grouse Mountain, this is where we start our Hike
- 5:00pm – 6:00pm: All going smooth we will have completed the hike by 5:00/6:00pm and be transported back to the morning meeting location (Fjällräven 147 West Broadway)
Transportation will be provided to and from the hike on Saturday, leaving from Fjällräven on Broadway at 8:00am. Gondola cost included in the ticket price!
Recommended Gear
Hiking boots, wool or polyester-blend shirt, rain jacket, insulating layer, headlamp, compass, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, knife, first aid kit, fire starter (matches or lighter), extra layers (toque, gloves etc if it’s going to be cold), 20-30L backpack, a packed lunch and plenty of water. Also to consider: electrolyte salts, hiking poles, sugary snacks for extra energy.
With advice and guidance from our ACC alpine experts, hikers will leave the day with a full toolbox of backcountry skills to help them on their next adventure. Hikers will also have access to an exclusive in-store discount on Fjällräven gear and apparel to prepare for the day on the trail.
To register for this event, visit the Eventbrite page.
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